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There are 9.5 million smokers in the UK, but two-thirds of them want to quit, according to the British Heart Foundation.

We talk to experts from the British Heart Foundation and UK charity Quit about the changes you can expect to see in just one day, as well as the long-term benefits over the years when you go smoke free.

The impact of smoking

Smoking will kill half of all regular smokers, with 100,000 smoking-related deaths every year.

The financial and social costs are steep too.

'Twenty cigarettes a day adds up to about £2,300 every year, which equates to a really nice holiday somewhere,' points out Doireann Maddock, a senior cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation (BHF), who are running the No Smoking Day campaign.

The BHF helps 250,000 people attempt to quit each year. Smoking also costs the NHS up to £5.2bn a year in the UK.

'In families, smoking can have another impact,' adds Maddock.

'Kids who see their parents or siblings smoking are three times more likely to take up the habit later down the line, something no parent wants to encourage.

'What's more, smoking has a long-term impact on illness, general fitness and how you look – cigarette smoke stains teeth yellow, gives you premature wrinkles and can lead to skin diseases such as psoriasis.'

Quitting, why such as challenge?

Quit - Getty

Many people take several attempts to quit.

Kicking a long-term habit does not happen overnight.

In fact, while No Smoking Day helps 250,000 people attempt to quit each year, only 6,000 of these will stop smoking permanently.

'For people who have smoked for a long time, nicotine can be quite addictive,' says Brian Jones, counsellor at charity Quit.

'People will suffer from nicotine withdrawal symptoms as well as the psychological challenges of ending something that may have been a big part of their daily life. Stopping the habit of a lifetime can be very difficult.'

However, many people take several attempts to quit, points out Maddock. 'So, it's important that they keep trying even if they may have been unsuccessful before.'

Once you quit: health benefits and hurdles

The first few hours

Within just twenty minutes, you will start to feel the benefits, with your blood pressure and pulse returning to normal. After eight hours the nicotine and carbon monoxide in your blood will have halved, and oxygen levels will have returned to healthy levels.


However, making sure you choose the right time to quit is crucial.

'If you try to quit in the middle of a stressful work project, for example, you will reduce your chances,' says Maddock.

'Instead, pick a time that is as stress-free as possible – this is a personal thing and different for everyone. But this will make the first few hours more bearable.'

The first day

Within 24 hours, the carbon monoxide – which hinders the blood from bringing oxygen to your cells, tissues and organs – has been removed from your body, and the mucus and smoking debris will start to clear from your lungs, making breathing easier.


'The first days can be the most difficult because your body adjusts to being nicotine free,' says Jones.

'If at work you usually pop out for a cigarette break, don't just sit at your desk, but go and do something – take a walk, read a magazine or perhaps have a healthy snack.

'The trick is not to just sit there suffering, but to find something that keeps you occupied.'

First week

After two days there is no nicotine left in your body, and your senses of smell and taste will have started to improve dramatically. After three days, you should start to feel more energised and your breathing will become easier.


'These first weeks are important, and making sure you surround yourself with family, friends and colleagues who can support you is really helpful,' says Maddock.

'Perhaps try to pair up with someone else who is quitting and look on forums, such as the No Smoking Day Forum or StayQuit (a free programme that looks at all aspects of your addiction), to remind yourself that you are not alone.'

Three to five months

Within around three months your circulation will have improved, and any cough or wheezing should have mostly cleared up. Compared to when you were smoking, your lung function should have increased by around 10 per cent.


'Around this time, there's the danger of becoming complacent, thinking that you're doing well and saying 'I'll just have the one',' warns Jones.

'Perhaps you're in a social situation, you've had a tough day at work, or been given some bad news and feel a bit stressed.

'What you need to do is take a five-minute break, think things through, and remind yourself why you quit in the first place.

'Instead of having a cigarette, find another outlet – listen to music, do some exercise or take a short walk – gradually you'll start to break the association between these situations and smoking.'

Five years

After several years, your risk of long-term disease begins to fall.

After five years, the possibility of a heart attack is roughly half that of someone who is still smoking, and after ten years free from smoking, your heart attack risk is that of a non-smoker, while your risk of lung cancer has been halved.


'Long-term, the important thing is to adopt a generally healthier lifestyle approach, empowering yourself by increasing your exercise (which also makes sure you don't put on weight after quitting) and improving your diet,' says Maddock.


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